2 amoun 29 Jun 2015 22:14

Thanks, Amoun, for your reply. It really helped to understand that there are so many possibilities.
For my site, I want to go for separate webpages rather than a single page like yours so I may opt for multiblogs but a single blog with multipages is still an option but this limits the menu visibility on the homepage.
Having said that I was grappling with too much/too many menus overload but I've realised that this is also a function of categories and skins too. I've been using manual and custom but I've now discovered a more business orientated skin that suits my purpose and is not so menu verbose.
I liked your websites which are clean, uncluttered and easy to follow and navigate which is of course what I would like to end up with!
And Oh! I've also started editing the css stylesheets. It's quite simple if all you want to do is change colours, fonts and images. I can see myself becoming more daring and making more radical changes which would really enhance the tailorability of skins short of designing one from scratch.
Looks like you may be enjoying your website, which makes it easy to maintain.
Please post your web address URL so members here can see how you are getting on. It helps enormously if you have a specific problem and people can see what you mean.
Let me get a v1 up and running and I will publish it.
...and I'm using v5.2. As a newbie it didn't make sense to grapple with a beta version. Is there a lot of new functionality in 6.5?
@brown_indian wrote earlier:
Is there a lot of new functionality in 6.5?
A lot! Look at the online demo, you will see it's very very enhanced.
Simply the BEST!
I have been exploring b2evolution since v.5.9 and I did not know if v.5.9 was going to work for me because of its lack of mobile friendly skin packages. I was totally elated when I discovered that the development of b2evolution was moving forward on the project - and at a rapid pace. I offer my thanks to the b2evolution team and I will be promoting the b2evolution software in the form of b2evolution tutorial posts on my b2evolution powered website.
The new version is 6.5 and a stable version. I would suggest you install at the earliest option as
a) it is arguably easier to grapple with especially if you haven't been using the older versions since V2 for years
b) it is a major update in looks as howtopam said, and obviously security etc. and of course
c) it's where all the new ideas an mods are going to be added
so get off that old road asap :)
@howtopam : Awesome video! We retweeted your install guide.
Hi What version are you using for future reference and what skin have you thought about
I think one blog will do. You can use pages for information and then ensure there is no comment option on them.
then the normal posts can be interactive in that you can have comments.
You can also allow others to make new posts and pages if you like.
The options are endless,
You can set permissions for each user or a group to access anything ad everything
Once you get started you may discover what you what or ask for help on specifics.
All the best
Look at other people's site and see what you like and what you don't, then put all the bits you like together
My sites are versions 6.5 and 5.2
I use a modified simple zen skin for these two
http://elf.calstock.org.uk (6.5)
http://rogerlovejoy.net/blog/b2evo.php (5.2)
and the manual skin (5.2) for