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1 Nov 26, 2012 20:57    

When I go to post a New Topic - it brings me to b2evolution Support Forums -> Archives -> Obsolete Forum Threads

What gives?

I'll post my question anyway, in case anyone actually sees this.

I'm using 4.1.3 and I have comment posting globally disabled on my blog, and yet I'm getting trackbacks. Can someone tell me why this is happening? Do I have to just switch back to manually disabling comment posting on a post-by-post basis?

2 Nov 27, 2012 00:53

There is seems to be a display bug with "obsolete forum threads" indeed. We'll fix that.

Regarding trackbacks: can you try this: enable comments again, disable trackbacks explicitly, save (important), then disable comments again and save again.

Alternatively, you could delete the file /htsrv/trackback.php so that spammers don't even consume resources on your server when trying to trackback.

Let me know if that helps.

3 Nov 28, 2012 11:18

fplanque wrote:

There is seems to be a display bug with "obsolete forum threads" indeed. We'll fix that.

Regarding trackbacks: can you try this: enable comments again, disable trackbacks explicitly, save (important), then disable comments again and save again.

Alternatively, you could delete the file <code class="codespan">/htsrv/trackback.php</code> so that spammers don't even consume resources on your server when trying to trackback.

Let me know if that helps.

Speaking of trackbacks, i never actually use them so i dont have much idea about them, other than the purpose of it.I just double checked to see if it was disabled in my blogs (thank god they were.I dont know if it's disabled by default, or i disabled them manually.But if it's not the default, we better turn it off as default i think, it's not much of use anyway.)

Frankly i dont give a crap about trackbacks but i remember that some had "trackback spam" issues in past, allthough it doesnt seem much of an issue recently.I do not know if anyone still suffers from it.I just wanted to mention something i noticed browsing Yabs' blog searching for sth else.Yabs used to genereate a new trackback url every 30 mins.So the trackback url stays fresh, and less likely to get used by bots, and better yet, if they do use an expired trackback url, you get the chance to hunt them down.

Just putting it out there, maybe it can be implemented if it's a good idea.

4 Nov 29, 2012 01:33

Thanks François, I'll just rename the trackback file so it doesn't get used. I can't see any reason I'd want to deal with the spam I'm getting...

And I agree with tilqicom - should just be disabled by default.

5 Nov 29, 2012 16:39

It *IS* disabled by default since v3.3 or sth like that. But you may have installed b2evolution at a time when it wasn't disabled by default.

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