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1 Oct 06, 2015 15:24    

I want to use google analytics and Tag Manager. Google tells me to "Copy the code below and paste it onto every page of your website. Place it immediately after the opening <body> tag." I can find where to add before the close <body> tag, but this isn't what was asked.

Where do I add the code, or does the newest version of B2E have particular places where I can just add Googles tracking information?



2 Oct 06, 2015 17:28

I'm not aware of anywhere in the back-office that would place it in that location. I think* you'd have to put it in the PHP code for the skin(s) you use.

*some expert validate this for me.

3 Oct 07, 2015 01:58

Yes you can always add it at the top of the skin template you're using.

They used to recommend to put it before </head>, which was easy to do in the back-office.

Can you send a link to the new recommendations you're trying to follow?


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