2 mgsolipa Jan 30, 2014 11:10

I ended up just upgrading to v5 and that seems to have fixed the problem. Although now the ShareThis plugin doesn't work... one problem at a time...
Hi @ethan5150,
I left you a reply in your other post, please check it: http://b2evolution.net/admin.php?ctrl=items&blog=26&p=358729
Hello @ethan5150,
If the blank page has been as sudden as you mentioned without your intervention, then definitelly something must have been changed. I quickly think in two options: 1) Your hosting provider has changed /upgraded / disabled something and you didn't get notified. 2) Your site has been hacked by adding any kind of code (too strange because it only displays an empty page instead of a message or something else).
I would recomend you to notify this situation to your hosting provider. In the meantime, you also could check the PHP error log in your server (also your hosting provider should tell you how to do it according your administration interface), a new line should be added to that log each time you try to load the main page. Finally, please enable the debugging mode just to check if it produces useful information.
If you are not able to solve the issue, please come back with the information you found and remember to include the version you're currently running and also the name your hosting provider, just as a reference.