2 mgsolipa May 07, 2015 01:15

We don't need Google Analytics--B2 has everything we want (and in our own admin back-office) EXCEPT the view counts of individual posts.
In our case, each post is an "article" or essay--and we used the B2 post view count of each article to measure the popularity of the subject matter with our audience. That's all we want.
I completely understand why this feature was removed from the latest versions of B2--but resource drain is not an issue for us as we have a virtual dedicated server (lots of room to play).
So I guess I am asking for a plugin that functions like the old B2 post view counter.
Should I copy that description here?
Thanks, in advance, to anyone willing to help.
@kimberleighs all right, I understand.
I think there are no plans in the core team to bring back this feature, even as a plugin, so we should stick to the third-party idea. I can contribute sharing the changes made when it was removed from code, maybe this could give some pointers for people starting a plugin project.
Now I think on this, maybe a patching recipe would work as well in your case.
CAVEAT: please consider that the diff files provided are based on the code as it was back in December, 2013.
@kimberleighs and further readers, there is a plugin to add view count plugin feature back to your sites: http://plugins.b2evolution.net/view-count-plugin
Will this plug-in work with 6.9.6?
@tangedal Have you not tried it ???? :)
I use the post view widget but noticed the view count is way off. Still, it gives you a general Idea.
I have installed PIWIK (Motomo) in the back end and it is much better at giving me accurate stats.
Its easy to widgetize a plugin for the front end but I am lazy and haven't tried it yet.
Hi @kimberleighs,
I understand what you mentioned; however, this kind of features (well implemented) are resources consumer and remove them from the standard release is not only a b2evo decision, actually many other CMS are also in the same way, but this is free software, so at this moment, a third-party plugin would be a good solution for bring it back.
Could you please explain a bit more what is Google Analytics missing to meet your needs? It's just to help futher readers to get an idea and maybe some starting point for that plugin as well. Also, knowing exaclty what are you expecting, maybe somebody could help you to achieve using Analytics.