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1 Feb 16, 2007 08:57    

I need to add this to the form tag on the write/edit post page


So then users can specify a avatar that they want to upload for that post.

2 Feb 16, 2007 15:55

Have you tried using js to add the attribute to the form?

Worth a shot seeing as admin requires js enabled for a fair few bits of functionality ;)


3 Feb 16, 2007 16:54

Not to say it's a bad idea, but there's really very little in the back office that needs js enabled. Preview, and ... ? A plugin that needs js should say it won't work without it in the docs. So anyone who wants the plugin but doesn't trust their own web page will know why it's not working.

Who would actually disable js on their own blog I wonder? I guess maybe someone accessing their back office from a box they're for some reason not allowed to enable js on?

4 Feb 17, 2007 03:17

Yeah, ok, i guess.

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