2 nanahuatl Jul 02, 2009 10:04

My b2evolution Version: 2.x
I'm a bit of a newbie but have done some research on this one and can't find an easy answer.
After i upgraded to 2.4.7 from 1.8 or 9x, i cannot log in either as admin or as my only blog user (me).
I checked my config files for baseurl and it is as it should be (set as it was before, which i thought was ok).
Note i use "blog" not "blogs" which is how i had it set before. I thought that would still be ok but now i am not so sure.
The _basic_config.php file has the same settings as it had before the upgrade. I kept everything the same: db name, db users, and the two users on the blog, admin and another user.
I tried to "mail a new password" to myself. the blog sends me a link on which i try and then the blog throws an error page back at me saying
"You have to use the same session (by means of your session cookie) as when you have requested the action. Please try again... "
At that point, i just go around in circles unable to log-in. I notice that each time i try this 'give me a new password option' the URL the blog generates has the SAME session id in the arg.
http://www.theinformationauditor.com/blog/htsrv/login.php?action=changepwd&login=admin&reqID=[bunch of letters and numbers omitted here]&sessID=418453.
418453 is the only session ID that i get. is that unusual?
I can still access the database and manipulate records in the b2evo database with no problem.
NOW, I have been getting this behavior while using IE 6.0.29.
Meanwhile, on Firefox, i can CAN log in BUT the admin page looks like it's not using a css file to format. In other words, all the dashboard options stack up like a very ugly sitemap list.
is this a config problem in my install? Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Does it really matter if i name the base directory "blog" or "blogs" or "foobar"? I thought as long as the config file has the directory you want to use as your base url that should be enough.
edited email address
Solution for the style problem may be http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewtopic.php?p=93486#93486 (where you've posted already). (I just want to create a link/reference)
duanez wrote:
You may want to clear the cache/cookies of your browser(s) --especially if they still hold some residue of your previous (old) b2evolution activities.
By own experience, you can name the original blogs folder to anything other you desire and b2evolution will still just work. What might be an issue is the lack of consistency in your naming sheme: did you modify your b2evolution blogs to blog after the upgrade, or just prior to the upgrade --so as to end an b2evolution 2.4.7 upgrade with an folder named blog?
Anyway, if the cache/cookies clearing initially suggested do not allow you to login normally, you may just have to perform the 2.4.7 upgrade with the folder named blogs originally used in your older b2evolution.
Quite likely some internal paths relevant to settings in your dashboard are not properly being updated to your newly named blog.
An subsequent b2evolution upgrade from 2.4.7 to 3.0.x might not be as drastic so as to allow you another chance to try/use your preferred folder name of blog.
Good luck!