2 graham Jul 30, 2005 08:51

Hello All,
Lately I have been getting a lot of search engine referrer spam on my blog. SPAMMERS are sending referrers of Google.com. Now I want to have Stats page available to public if I can but what I don't want is Search Engines like Google or Yahoo indexing the Stats page.
I think lately due to many referrer spam links Google site, the listing of my blog has dropped down drastically (Correct me if I am wrong here). Before when I used to search my name on Google, my blog used to come first, now I don't even see it on the first 30 search results.
What I have done so far is followed the instructions on http://b2evolution.net/man/2004/12/29/control_referer_spam_howto page and configured the things as told.
What else can I do so search engines don't index Stats page at all?
Is there a simple way so that B2evo does'nt log a referrer at all when it is meant for "blog=4&disp=stats","disp=stats" or any similar?