2 kim Oct 13, 2014 17:11

The best practice would be to edit your skin and not (never) the core. It makes upgrades easier.
I have exactly the same problem. I just upgraded from 4.X to 5.1.2 and the names next to posts have been replaced by the nicknames of the authors. In old version there was a choise how to display the name (Nickname OR First - Surname OR Surname - First name). I cannot find it anymore :/
Did you removed this option or it is hidden somewhere i cannot see ?
Yes @lazikas,
That option is not available anymore ( since a long time ago now ). It will be replaced by a global setting to enable "Friendly names" mode in the whole site.
As @fplanque said, you can decide what to display by overriding the preferredname appearances in your skins.
Thank you very much for your answer! It is obvious that i had not upgraded my site for a long time :)
I prefer not to change anything in skins and wait for the replacement :)
Thanks again !
It would be a nice idea to make a difference between the names in the frontend and the names in the backend. I have disabled some widgets like "last comments" because I will not show my nick in the frontend.
To overwrite it in the skin is uncomfortable and with the next update I risk to forget it.
OK, found the answer to this one; have to edit the file that returns "author" to indicate which should be used.