2 ednong 13 Mar 2015 23:40

Hi @ednong,
Thanks for sharing, actually there is an extra option in that menu.
if I upload the image after writing the post or if I edit a post to link an image. If I push the green "+" nothing happens.
Please, tell us what browser are you using. Do you know how to open the debug console (F12 key in several cases) ? Can you tell us if is there a JavaScript error in those moments when you click on the green sign and nothing happens ?
Also, check this page out to make sure that you are using the syntax correctly: http://b2evolution.net/man/image-short-tag
Finally, here is the translation done for the word "Inline", maybe you would like to suggest something different. All you need to know to contribute with the translation is explained here: http://b2evolution.net/man/translation-guidelines.
Regards !
Hi mgsolipa,
thanks for your reply.
My browser is the newest Firefox under Linux (Kubuntu 14.04).
The external CDNs are disabled, only the local scripts are available in b2evo.
I use NoScript, but there is nothing blocked.
This error is new with the 5.2.2 after the update from 5.2.1 of b2evo.
"Texteingebunden" seems the translation for "Inline" - but the second "Nach 'mehr'" is the irritating thing for me. Nach "mehr" means "After 'more'".
The short tag of the image will not be visible. If I click the plus, nothing happens. This means: there will nothing be visible in the post. No tag, nothing. I set the short tag manually then.
The extra "After 'more'" issue present in version 5.2.2 is solved and the fix will be included in the next release of this branch (if any).
@ednong the not working online button sounds weird, as I said before, have you checked for some javascript error when click on the green button ? How is the common scenario ? Does it work in some cases or it doesn't work at all since you updated to 5.2.2 ?
Hi mgsolipa,
I have not tested for JS-errors. It is weird and I can't reproduce it in a safe way. I only use the NoScript addon in Firefox - but my domain (and subdomains) are allowed and the CDNs are disabled. So all JS should be local and allowed.
Now I can reproduce it:
Nothing happens. No Image-tag in the post. Independant of the choose of the menu (after more, inline, what ever).
NoScript says: no blocked script.
F12 (Firebug) means: no blocked script.
I have disabled the CDNs in the config file. Only local scripts are possible.
Tested under firefox on linux and windows. (on windows w/o NoScript).
@ednong is the description of the image a single line of text or it's written in several lines? The latter option will break javascript and the tag won't be inserted. That's a pending bug caused by the automatic inclusion of the caption in the shortcode, the correct behavior is not to do that and control the caption as documented here: http://b2evolution.net/man/image-short-tag.
That's it!
All the descriptions are several lines, where the green plus does not work.
The last sentence is cropped: "I guess, ...." I don't know, why it will be cropped after a list.
Here you will see an image of the options.