1 amoun Dec 29, 2018 01:34
3 amoun Dec 29, 2018 01:50
OK I removed the empty lines in the above code and all went smoothly so staying with 6.10.5
{ // Upgrades are needed:
$confirmed_db_upgrade = param('confirmed', 'integer', 0); // force confirmation
$upgrade_db_deltas_confirm_md5 = param( 'upgrade_db_deltas_confirm_md5', 'string', '' );
if( ! $confirmed_db_upgrade )
4 fplanque Dec 31, 2018 15:14
Weird error indeed.
No matter what, please upgrade to PHP 5.6 or better yet 7.x because you won't be able to run any new version on 5.4.
Here's the code that seems unacceptable from the downloaded file.
Excuse my bitty info but as my connection is 500K so uploading a new version takes a while. I'm thinking of backtracking to 6.10.4