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1 Jun 05, 2016 02:44    

I just upgraded to 6.7.3 and the sitewide header isn't working as it was before. The problem is that if I am logged in as an admin and then set one of the blogs to

settings --> general --> lists of collections --> show in front office list to members only

( )

the blog disappears from the sitewide header even though the admin is listed as a member. In fact I cannot remove the admin from membership in the blog. When I log in as an individual user who I manually gave membership to the blog appears in the header.

In 6.7.2 the header showed all of the blogs to the admin in the sitewide header as I believe it should be.



4 Jun 05, 2016 02:47

First image is while logged in as user with group membership, second is while logged in as admin with group membership by default.

5 Jun 08, 2016 22:51

ok, I can think of a recent mod that might have broken this. We'll check and let you know asap.

6 Jun 16, 2016 02:27


Another bug successfully squashed. 6.7.4 fixes this issue. :)


7 Jun 17, 2016 00:35

Ah glad you found it fixed before I would write back :)

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