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Hey, yesterday I got hit by spammers. They've added many trackbacks to each of my posts with links to porn sites. You can see the attacks here; And here is one of my posts where u can see the result;… More »

Mar 27, 2006 05:25  
I've seen a few errors with "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 " I guess this happens when a user places a book mark or adds a site to their favorites... does anybody use a favIcon for their blogs? I hope this is the right place for the… More »

Mar 25, 2006 18:31  
I'm not sure if this is the place to ask, but I have used mambo's skychat, before and liked how small and neat it is, I get a few people stop by my site and would like to be able to put it into my B2evo home page, haven't a clue as to where you are… More »

Nov 04, 2006 14:49  
Hi there, I'm pleased with b2evolution. It's the blog software and easy to use so far. But still I've got a question. When uploading an image from a windows xp ws to a windows 2003 iis server it looks at the real path for uploading the image instead of… More »

Mar 23, 2006 09:45  
I am currently using b2evolution 0.9.0 and I've been trying to figure out a way to make a table of contents organized by category and by date of original post, but I have had no luck at all. My ideal goal would be to have a toc that looks like this:… More »

Mar 22, 2006 21:00  
My antispam list is now so large I get a server error when I try to view it :) I've just put in Whoo's captcha plugin, and I'd like to give it a real trial-by-fire & see how well it works just on its own - so I'd like to clear my antispam list.… More »

Mar 21, 2006 18:40  

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