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1 Feb 11, 2014 12:06    

In a business intranet I use b2evolution as a knowledge base for different products.

So I have blogs A, B, C etc for the relevant products manuals (manual skin).

What I would like to do is to link a post to a (sometimes many) customer(s) so that I can search either for which customer(s) this post is relevant or/and select a customer and see which post(s) are linked to it.

If you have several hundreds customers obviously working with categories in not really friendly to administer.

Any suggestion how I could accomplish this? Maybe to make links to a separate database with customers, but then how etc...

Thanks in advance for any contribution!


2 Feb 12, 2014 21:29

Doesn't the database keep a count of who views each post?

3 Feb 14, 2014 23:50

@amoun wrote earlier:

Doesn't the database keep a count of who views each post?

I want to link posts to a customer.
What should the customer be?: a category? a page? or what else?

How can I search from the blog search if a post is linked to a customer or
How can I search from the blog search if a customer has certain posts linked?


Nothing to do that I want a database search a db tool like phpmyadmin.


4 Feb 15, 2014 00:27


What I would like to do is to link a post to a (sometimes many) customer(s) so that I can search either for which customer(s) this post is relevant or/and select a customer and see which post(s) are linked to it.

All posts are linked, they have an author, so you want a check on the views each member has to each post. A count like in phpbb,which I can't see in b2evo. Would be a useful addition to the database maybe?

5 Feb 15, 2014 10:11

Hello @zebulon8,

Did you considered to use tags to add customers to your posts? I mean, assign fullname of customers as tags to each post and filtering by tags you could see which posts are relevant to each customer. If you already have a database of customers (MySQL, Excel, etc), it might be not too difficult to make an export/import script to do this work automatically.

Also, your idea of working with categories might work but I see it more complicated to use in the backoffice. Just remember, this kind of applications of b2evolution requires some developing tasks, that will be more complex according your customization requests, if you have no programming skills, maybe you will need to contact a professional to evaluate your needs and implement the solution ( Otherwise, you will need to be more specific here and provide us much more information to let us try to help you on our available time frames.

  • How do you save your customers info?
  • Have you defined which posts will be assigned to each customer? How you saved that definition?
  • How do you want to make your searches? Have you any sketch or mockup in mind for this?


6 Feb 18, 2014 13:09

Hi - thanks for your thoughts...

@mgsolipa wrote earlier:

Hello @zebulon8,

Did you considered to use tags to add customers to your posts? I mean, assign fullname of customers as tags to each post and filtering by tags you could see which posts are relevant to each customer. If you already have a database of customers (MySQL, Excel, etc), it might be not too difficult to make an export/import script to do this work automatically.

Yes I did, but if you have more than 5-10 tags/customers to a post this does look stupid at the end of a post. And you can not do a search of a tag. You ave to go to the tag to select it. If you have to go through a list of 25 tags starting with 'A' this is also not conveniant.

Also, your idea of working with categories might work but I see it more complicated to use in the backoffice.

Also - if you have lots of customers this will be a very long list to scroll down and select - though the select process would be a nice thing. Trouble aagin - like with tags is that a category can be selected but does not show in a search. Also - having more than 5-10 categories selected looks stupid at the end of the posts.

Just remember, this kind of applications of b2evolution requires some developing tasks, that will be more complex according your customization requests, if you have no programming skills, maybe you will need to contact a professional to evaluate your needs and implement the solution ( Otherwise, you will need to be more specific here and provide us much more information to let us try to help you on our available time frames.

  • How do you save your customers info?
  • Have you defined which posts will be assigned to each customer? How you saved that definition?
  • How do you want to make your searches? Have you any sketch or mockup in mind for this?

I'm doing a trieal now the have customer page. Than manually make shortcut links to the posts. But this is time consuming. Also not my favorite...


Thanks anyway.

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