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1 Apr 10, 2015 11:28    


I noticed that the area in the browser where the toolbar is located becomes transparent when scolling down (Access to Admin area: No Toolbaar), and the menu bar underneath stays in place - which looks not nice.

Using v5.2.2 and the Photo Albums skin.

I want to disable the toolbaar for those user group members that do not have any editing permissions but need to log-in to have access to community posts - just to not confuse those user with that bar, who anyhow do not need to use it.


2 Apr 10, 2015 19:42

Hi @zebulon, thanks fo reporting.

I think this issue will be solved in the next release, however, if you want to patch it right now, just go to the file skins/photoalbums/, find the line:

var nav_top = <?php echo ( is_logged_in() ? 23 : 0 ) ; ?>;

and replace it with

var nav_top = <?php echo ( show_toolbar() ? 23 : 0 ) ; ?>;

Regards !

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