2 amoun Oct 20, 2019 03:15

No it is not offered, I would love to have a table of extensions like that so i could pick and choose but not so.
I'm wondering?
Do you not have cPanel or you do but the php extension isn't available.?
Have you run the phpinfo.php
file to see what extension you have running?
You could also create a test file to play with the APC to see if it does exist and does as expected.
The functions available can be seen at https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.apc.php
Looking at your OPCache and user cache status
I note from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29187601/difference-between-apc-apcu-and-opcache
There is no need for APC (or any of the similar sort of bytecode caching extensions like XCache) as of PHP 5.5 and later. The PHP developers directly integrated what they call OPCache into the core of the product.
If you run the phpinfo.php
file you should get confirmation or :(
See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22773041/is-my-opcache-running
If you can't see the Zend OPcache section or Opcade Caching is disabled you may like to look at https://csmartonline.com/blog/2019/01/14/enable-upload-progress-and-opcache-modules-for-php-7-3-on-1and1-shared-hosting/
@amoun To answer the question.
I have Cpanel , but there is no list of extensions that are available for users to choose.
I have run phpinfo.php several times and you can also http://unitedactivision.com/phpinfo.php
I just got the first and second comments and I intend to explore you suggestions.
There remains the question of how is b2evo affected by the "none" values for opcacheing and user cacheing
The information about the inclusions in php 7.3 is very important.
Hi wrc
Clearly you don't have use of apcu or the Zend OPCache so that's host problem. So though they may be installed what has BlueHost said about enabling them?
EDIT :: https://my.bluehost.com/hosting/help/2401
In your cpanel do you have options to change php version?
I can clarify that after disabling apcu and Zend OPCache I can still update the antispam list with no problem other than it is still the old date.
@amoun and to all that may be reading this string, I was finally notified, by bluehost, that they will not support opcache or APCu unless the account is a VPS. Ie they are not friendly to b2evolution at basic account levels.
I have installed demos of both b2evo 6.11.3 and 7.0.2 on several php 7+ versions with the same (not friendly) results.
The only problem left (that can be addressed) is the antispam update issue. The question to the b2evo community is simple. Is the antispam utility actually useful and worth the grief of solving the problem? @amoun and I have experienced is that the database for this utility is an old date. Is this because it is not used or an error in the coding.
A question to @fplanque; Should bluehost be supported as a possible host when they don't support recommended utility? IMHO, it is asking for unwanted problems.
BTW, A2 Hosting does not support APC and APCu at basic levels - to their credit they make that clear in their website.
I'm on the hunt for another, more b2 evo friendly and supporting host. Are there any recommendations?
To the b2evo gurus. I remain a big fan of b2evolution!
Why do you use Blue host? Is it free or dirt cheap.
My reseller account, in the UK (more expensive maybe) is
UK servers Legislation under GPDO Eu law
On the antispam issue. Sure it would be nice to know why it doesn't work though I expect it's a Bluehost block. However I've never bothered with an update until your post(s) so i also question it's usefulness. :)
The decisions to use them precedes me. I have no love of bluehost! This entire issue of php extensions could have been resolved a month ago had they told me what they did today. In fact I am very angry about it because I have spent whatever capitol I may have had with the b2evo community trying to resolve it. As I have suggested to @fplanque, I think they should be removed from the recommended list.
If you are happy with your host I am going to look at them. I am also considering A2Hosting and they look good based on their turbo servers.
I have concluded that we are moving but in the meantime, I want to solve the antispam issues and I would like to rule out b2evo as the culprit. Do you have an opinion on the screenshot of the error log that I attached earlier.
I want to solve the antispam issues and I would like to rule out b2evo as the culprit. Do you have an opinion on the screenshot of the error log that I attached earlier.
Not yet and am too busy to look :(
Have you a screen shot of your php settings as in the image in https://forums.b2evolution.net/php-extensions#c112962 ?