2 amoun Mar 16, 2019 10:55

That's not my question. What are the technical specifications and extensions (PHP) required for B2 in server
Just been investigating your request, not directly with b2evo. Although a bit dated you would like to try this as a starter
http://php5.laurent-laville.org/compatinfo/ as mentioned at
I'm now wondering why you want to know :=)
These are the ones I use on 7.2 for v6.10.7 :: though they are pretty much a default set
So to find the minimum you disable one at a time and see if you get errors. Might try it myself for fun :)
I have read that but not answer.
You need me to copy/paste ?
- It is highly recommended that the "mbstrings" extension is installed. (Not a problem with most web hosts)
- Graphics related functions require the PHP GD module. (Not a problem with most web hosts)
- XML-RPC related functions and XHTML validation require the PHP XML Reader module. (Not a problem with most web hosts)
- For best performance it is also recommended to use caching. In PHP 7 we recommend to enable APCu.
Additionally, the system status page will tell you if you have an important module missing -- https://b2evolution.net/man/system-status-tab/
Although b2evolution uses PHP, PHP is not a part of b2evolution, so do you mean this list :: http://php.net/manual/en/extensions.php?
for Microsoft Windows do you want things like https://mlocati.github.io/articles/php-windows-imagick.html
and then there is