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1 Jun 10, 2015 22:47    

Earlier today, I saw that the following article had been published across at Sitepoint - I've been a regular on their forum for a while and as occasion arises will put forward the option of using b2evo as an alternative to some of the more familiar names that come up; I do something similar in a couple of groups I'm subscribed to on LinkedIn as well. To the point though...

I was wondering whether a similar article could be constructed for b2e, or perhaps already exists. I did take a look around the docs here, but didn't find anything that talks about b2e in terms of an API, though that may be just down to the terminology used here. Is this something that exists and would be worth promoting?

2 13 Jun 2015 04:18

Thanks for spreading the word Chris!

We don't have a file system API per se because we never found the need for one.

Now, API (Application Programming Interface) doesn't mean much. It basically means functions that developers of plugins, skins or anything else can call. The big difference between just a bunch of functions and a proper API is typically documentation. And clearly we are not up to date with our documentation. It has improved a lot but the super techy pages about APIs who are very difficult to write and read only by a tiny slice of the users... well those pages are the least up to date.

So, long story short, right now, there's no API to brag about over here ;) But I believe there's a lot of over areas where b2evolution is great already. Docs & APIs will follow when it's their turn ;)

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