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1 Apr 26, 2015 18:19    

Version: 5.0.9-stable

Only one of the blogs will allow a visitor to the site to send an email through the contact form. The other blogs report "The user does not want to receive emails through the message form." I am not a big fan of the new messaging system in b2evo; or at least there should be a separate contact system for just sending an email to the site owner. If the idea is to make b2evo a social site platform, there are far better platforms on the market for social networking. Don't make b2evo into a Swiss Army Knife; yes, there are plenty of doodads but it makes a lousy knife.

Anyway, what is the cause of this issue? I am at the point of just rewriting the contact form since our "Contact Us" link is not working as it was before we upgraded.

2 Apr 26, 2015 18:33

I just found out that I have to be logged into the blog for the contact form to be displayed. This does not make sense, a visitor to the site would not be a member, so they could not be able to log in. Perhaps I am using the wrong link in the menu for a visitor to contact the site owner? I upgraded from an earlier version so if the main contact form has changed for visitors to contact the site owner, what is it now?

3 Apr 26, 2015 18:45

OK, I just checked and the menu item is linked to "Blog Owner Contact Form"; so why is it now working properly? Is this a bug in my version?

4 May 04, 2015 03:46

As the blog owner you must accept to receive email messages in your profile preferences. If you don't, then indeed, people will have to log in to send you a private message.

It's just one check box in your profile.

5 Jun 11, 2015 18:19

@fplanque wrote earlier:

As the blog owner you must accept to receive email messages in your profile preferences. If you don't, then indeed, people will have to log in to send you a private message.

It's just one check box in your profile.

Yes, but you are not reading my comments. That box is checked. It appears to be an issue with multiple blogs; it works on one but not the other blogs.

6 Jun 13, 2015 04:27

Your different blogs probably have different owners and only one has the box checked.

Note: in b2evo version 6.4.4 we bypass the checkbox thing. If someone is a blog owner he will always be contactable by email.

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