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1 Aug 28, 2015 13:16    

Hi, I installed the system some days ago, and I find that the response time are quite bad.
I do not know if it is related to the DB ( a fresh install of a MariaDb server (5.5.44-MariaDB) on dedicated dedicated server ( b2evolution is the only db installed right now), or to the fact that the webserver is not allowed to connect to the internet.
I see some port 80 traffic trying to leave the serveur
When I activate the debugging I see that a request takes 60 secondes mopst used in evonet : check for updates.
So far I have not found any option to de-activate that feature in order to check if the problem might come form this connection.

2 Aug 28, 2015 13:21

Ok, I think MariaDB is not the issue. There are people using MariaDB with B2evolution because they say they get even better performance than with MySQL.

However, the fact that there are requests going out and wait for a timeout (and 60 seconds definitely looks like a timeout value) will definitely slow you down! These requests are for checking if there are new releases of b2evolution, especially in case of security fixes.

I will check and let yo know how to disable them. I know it's possible but I don't remember exactly where from the top of my head.

3 Aug 28, 2015 13:32

Ok, apparently all you need to do is add this:

$allow_evo_stats = false;

at the end of your /conf/_basic_config.php file and b2evolution will no longer try to call home for updates:

4 Aug 28, 2015 15:29

Hi, this is fine.
Response time is normal for a web site now.
in fact, i have the feeling that each single page took exactly 60 seconds to display. now it is much better.

5 Sep 05, 2015 02:10

Nice if $allow_evo_stats = false; could be toggled on/off in the back office.

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