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1 Sep 01, 2015 16:06    

I tried to create a new collection as a blog. Then I tried to make the user DUM as owner of the blog.
I also tried to modify the rights, but without success.
The idea here is to give autjhoritiy to different persons, not being admins, to manage their own blog.
When i login as DUM, I do not see anything different than before making this permission changes.
Did I miss something ? I could not find more information in the docs

2 Sep 01, 2015 17:08

Normal users have no permission to access the back-office by default.

What is the user group of DUM ?

Try the "Moderators" group or any group that you configure with permission to access the back-office.

Additionally, please let me know what you searched for in the manual or which page you looked at so we can make sure the next person with the same questions finds an answer.

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