I'm more or less still a newbie to this so I was hoping to get some help. I've read the FAQ and user permissions 2.0 but it didn't help me. I have a few blogs and different admins for each one. I've used the advanced permissions to successfully limited each admin to only be able to add/remove/modify content on their respective blogs, however, the admins can see/view ever other blog and every post made on them while in the backoffice. Is there a way to setup the user permissions for an admin/blogger such that they can see/view only the one blog I give them access to?
I'm using version 4.1.3
Thanks in advance!
In v5 you can set blog posts to be visible only by members (as opposed to "public" posts). In this case, only the members of a given blog can see them. If admin of blog A is not a member of blog B, he won't be able to see members posts in blog B.