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1 Aug 20, 2013 23:47    


I'm more or less still a newbie to this so I was hoping to get some help. I've read the FAQ and user permissions 2.0 but it didn't help me. I have a few blogs and different admins for each one. I've used the advanced permissions to successfully limited each admin to only be able to add/remove/modify content on their respective blogs, however, the admins can see/view ever other blog and every post made on them while in the backoffice. Is there a way to setup the user permissions for an admin/blogger such that they can see/view only the one blog I give them access to?

I'm using version 4.1.3

Thanks in advance!

2 Aug 21, 2013 02:00

In v5 you can set blog posts to be visible only by members (as opposed to "public" posts). In this case, only the members of a given blog can see them. If admin of blog A is not a member of blog B, he won't be able to see members posts in blog B.

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