2 achillis Oct 13, 2013 19:53

@mgsolipa could you maybe advise on this?
Hi @achillis,
I have had no chances to try this out, but I will keep an eye on this and back to you if something useful shows up.
I noticed the same problem with two of my blogs and have not found a solution.
The issue seems to be somewhere with the "gendvice" param specified in _stats.php. ...hmmm
It seems the problem is with iPad and the Safari browser.
See: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2771228
If only b2evolution developers could outsmart apple and solve this...
Don't think it's an apple or Safari issue, but rather a bug in the b2evo code self. I get the same issue whether if I use safari or chrome. The skin is selected according to the data collected in the $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] string. If the string contains "iPad" it will (or should use) the tablet skin. Perhaps I am mistaken, we'll see.
Solved it. (Needs a dev to confirm)
/conf/_stats.php around #line 190
'gendvice' => '(kindle | mobile | mmp | midp | ...... ';
Replace/ add to "mobile" with:
'gendvice' => '(kindle | (!ipad)(.*)mobile | mmp | midp | ...... ';
After the file is updated, clear cache and cookies from devices and reload page.
The issue is that the $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] string for iPads return both values "iPad" and "mobile", so it takes the value of "mobile" and ignore that it is actually a tablet (iPad).
I tested it on iPad, iPhone, Samsung Smart Phone and Samsung Tablet. It seems to work fine.
A solution for this issue will be included in the next release (version 5.0.7)
Thank you @achillis for reporting.
It detects Andriod tablets (andrtab) and Andriod Mobiles... but not iPad tablets.