2 fplanque Aug 02, 2013 23:10

When going into admin/system it ells you so much info and in there is how big the cache folder is. My question is can I safely delete the files in these folders -- c2, general and plugins.
I am sure these are for us to be able to load pages quicker but just want to keep things down as much as possible and have always deleted items in other cache folder on a weekly basis.
This is the first time I have EVER had/used a blog so there are more idiotic questions surely to come as I think of them.
Some things like editing .css and stuff I can do --some basic some a bit advanced so those things i try first then make it so if it works. ALWAYS using a duplicate file for just in case...lol
OH I almost forgot--- for my store site I have an index file for the main domain url http://fantasiesrealm.com ... IS there a way to use a bit of the blog on it? without replacing the entire index page with a copy of the insight.php
b2evolution version
5.0.4-stable released on 06/28/13
If you set up your scheduled tasks properly, b2evolution will cleanup the cache folder regularly all by itself.
Otherwise you can do it manually by using the provided tool here:
System > Maintenance > Tools > Cache management > Clear full page caches
It's better than deleting anything manually because you can break things if you delete too much.