2 giandroid Jul 23, 2013 04:40

Does anyone has an answer for me? I've fixed my reCaptcha issue but I'm still getting plastered by zombies. Now every time I make a post it becomes my top post, and my analytics are drastically incorrect. Anyone have any ideas?
have you disabled trackback?
I have checked the advanced blog settings in blog>blog settings>advanced but I don't see a setting for trackbacks. Have they been moved?
They are in Blog settings > Features > Comments
I just checked and it looks like trackbacks were unchecked.
Have you looked at your apache access logs. Sometimes it's just one or 2 IPs that do all the harm. In that case you can block them.
How many hits per blog post per day are we talking about?
I'm presuming the apache access logs are available from my hosting service's control panel, correct? I haven't taken a look. I really don't even know where to start here, sorry!
They appear to be completely diverse IPs at least according to my service provider. I was getting close to 6000 views a day on the "posts" page which lists the last ten posts or so, but it's since simmered down to about 1500 views a day. And each post gets several hundred views a day, seemingly at random; My last post, after a week, got 4500 views.
Hum... that is annoying indeed.
I don't think there's much we can do on the b2evolution side. If they are diverse IPs, we can only view them as normal hits.
You might try to configure the GeoIP plugin and check if they all come from the same country (or ask your provider to check the IPs in your log).
Scratch that! It looks like my reCaptcha stopped working. I will have to address that. But I would still like help fending off the zombie hoard!