2 dashs Nov 11, 2014 23:34

Hi @dashs,
Just uncheck the "Include in public blog list" parameter for each collection that you want to hide from that list (http://b2evolution.net/man/features-others)
Sorry, I can't see anything that says "collections".
After clicking on every option:
Structure->Blog-name->Features->Other would be a better path.
At the end of the page I liniked above is a note with the path that you need to follow.
Note: this view could be found at b2evo > Structure > [Collection] > Settings > Features > Other
Thanks Manuel, I went there but did not check the entire page -- oops. Not too perspicacious.
Now the top_menu has two instances of my blog (Nutjob) in it, one for the naked URL and one for the URL with blog1.php.
Is there a way to remove the second one?
You can change the "Blog for info pages" to "No blog" in the "Site Settings" view ( http://b2evolution.net/man/site-settings ). The visibility of the whole common header and footer can also be controlled in that settings form.
Hmmm -- Top line still has two instances of "Nutjob". Is that in some unordered list where only one of those entries can be
OK -- setting site_skins_enabled off will remove the menu completely. Missed that at first.
Thanks for your help.
I'm having a basic difficulty understanding how a normal (or trusted) user issues posts.
When I log in as such I see no way to compose a new post from the Home screen. How should that be done?
There are many factors that determine who can post in a particular blog. This page would be a good starting point: http://b2evolution.net/man/user-permissions.
You created a new post ( http://forums.b2evolution.net/unable-to-authorize-a-user-to-post-to ), so please let's keep talking about the permissions there in order to close this one due to your original question has been answered.
OK, figured that out.
Actually would like to remove the Top Menu with "Photos" "Manuals" etc completely.
Any hints?