2 ednong Sep 22, 2014 00:18

It's a fresh install.
Hello @tgodfrey,
Please check the permissions of your skins folders at skins
(NOT inc/skins
), make sure that they are set to 755. To read more about permissions, please go to these pages: http://b2evolution.net/man/directory-and-file-permissions and http://b2evolution.net/man/optimal-file-permissions.
Note: you should try to repeat the installation because the containers of the affected skins have not been created properly. Instead of that, you may also try to reload them manually just by going to the Installed Skins view (http://b2evolution.net/man/installed-skins) and clicking the Reload containers button in the Actions column for each one of the rows.
Thank you for that. Will do.
Is it a fresh installation or an upgrade from a former version (and which)?