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1 Sep 04, 2015 21:49    

Version 6.6.3

I have code as in the images below. On all pages of posts it happens only on the fourth line.

I had noticed similar before when checking out the widgets via the back office. I didn't bother as I thought it my have something to do with my skin and their not being the proper containers as I only have {head, menu and sidebar} and wasn't causing any problems.

It still isn't a problem just an anomaly that clearly is an error. It's the same class code showing in the widgets there's just lots more of it.

2 05 Sep 2015 00:30

Which browser are you using?
Do you have the same with a different browser?

3 05 Sep 2015 03:19

Only ever use Ubuntu Firefox currently 40.0.3

Will try opera: . . . Ok have tried Opera and is exactly the same :)


4 05 Sep 2015 04:11

OK with the code on the posts page. It's not the fourth post that's significant, which I thought couldn't really make sense but something below Filters (Reset Filters).

Oh! I've just noticed another one on the Posts List page, at the bottom above the (Reset all Filters)

If I click on [Reset Filters] both that option and the one at the bottom (Reset All Filters) disappear, which makes sense. But if I click on the code they reappear as the code is in a link.

<a class="action_icon btn btn-warning btn-sm hoverlink" href="?ctrl=items&amp;blog=5&amp;filter=reset" title="Reset all filters!">
<span title="Reset all filters!" class="fa fa-filter"></span>Reset filters

Looking at the source code there are five uses of [fa fa-filter] and only the first one is an issue and in that case the quotes are not escaped <span title="Reset all filters!" class="fa fa-filter"></span>plus it's an empty span.

Forget all the above

I've found it.

I had a validation error and my solution caused this problem, I think:

By changing tag to data-tag the code is the value of the button??

<input data-tag="input" type="submit" class="search btn-info pull-right btn" tag="button" value="&lt;span class=&quot;fa fa-filter&quot; title=&quot;Filter&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt; Filter" />

As tag is not an acceptable attribute in HTML5 according to I hacked the code as explained in my post mentioned above.

Off to sleep now, will pick up on this later, thanks

5 05 Sep 2015 12:26

Just realised why I found it hard to find this post, I put it in the wrong forum. Would someone please move it to (b2evolution Support) please?


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