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1 Oct 11, 2015 20:02    

This one has me puzzled. I've installed the Prism plugin on both my live and test installation. In the test version, code is coloured correctly, on the live version, it is picking up values from Vastitude's style.css, but I've been unable to identify why. On the face of it, both are set up in the same way.

Both use the same version of b2evolution - v6.4.4
Both use the same skin - Vastitude 1.1
Both have had their CSS modified to change the header image, default font size to 1.1em, and line spacing to 1.4em, nothing more
Both have the Prism plugin enabled and set the same way - Opt-out & Never
Both have had a post created using the same JS content - the live version is here
And looking at the browser dev tools, both have loaded the prism.css

The difference is that the test version is using the Prism CSS, where the live one isn't, I've not been able to work out why though.

Any suggestions where to look next?

2 11 Oct 2015 20:06

The test install with Prism working

3 11 Oct 2015 23:47

use the code/CSS inspector of your web browser and compare... you'll find a difference somewhere...

4 14 Oct 2015 16:06

I finally worked it out. The Prism plugin was definitely being rendered. The problem was the codeblock markup. The live version had been marked up with an HTML style, whilst the test installation looked more like a bbCode style. The latter worked fine in my live blog once I'd changed it over. Problem solved.

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