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1 Nov 09, 2013 14:47    

Hello all,

I've had a few issues upgrading.

website is

Most of the site seems to be working right now, but the comments and perhaps other things are having an issue.

When I'm not logged in, I see the comments form correctly but it says I have to log in to post a comment (which is correct.)

And where it says "related posts", when I click on it when not logged in, it says "no related posts" (which is correct.)

But when I log in and then try to go to comments, I get a 403 error:


You don't have permission to access /blog/skins/mystique/ on this server.

It's trying to go to:

And when I'm logged in and click on "related posts" I get the same error (URL in this case is )

When I was doing the install/upgrade, I noticed a mysql error about a duplicate entry in a table that was comments-related but I don't have the details. I ran installer again and it seemed to think it upgraded the database just fine, but problem persists.

I tried renaming my .htaccess file and that didn't help

I have tried all cache and database maintenance items.

I have an "all comments" link in sidebar, and that does show me a list, and I can edit comments from there.

When I go to admin and comments, I can see list of comments, but when I click on one to go to individual article in admin and then look at comments, it says there is a comment but doesn't display it.

My blog SQL database username and password has been changed. I wonder if the comment functionality has its own place where it holds login information which I would need to update, as with changing _basic_config with the initial setup.

2 Nov 09, 2013 23:22

Hi @rossputin,

The problem with the 403 error is not related with .htaccess or folder permissions either. In fact, that's the correct behavior when an user try to go directly to /blog/skins/some_skin/.

Please, change the skin to evopress and try to leave a comment. If everything works as expected, then the issue is in the mystique skin and you should upgrade to its lastest version. It could also be useful to enable the debugging mode and share its output here.

Regards !

3 Nov 10, 2013 01:11

Hi Manuel,

It's the same with every skin: I see a comment form when not logged in. But when I am logged in, I don't see a form and can't leave a comment.

Are you seeing the same behavior when logged in versus not?

So what do you suggest next?


4 Nov 10, 2013 02:00

OK, since disabling plugins helped before, I tried that again with this problem and I found that having almost any plugin enabled makes the comments not work.

List includes:
Google Analytics
Basic Antispam

Any rendering plugin, including ShareThis

the plugins that ping after new posts and plugins for calendar and archive don't seem to break the comments functionality

I wonder if some or most or all of these plugins are built in to the latest version of b2 anyway...

5 Nov 11, 2013 22:26

Hi @rossputin,

Yes I see the same behavior than you.

All the plugins that you mentioned above are built in the standard b2evo release, but the ShareThis is not. Please enable the debug mode and share its output here because we are running out of options to make a diagnostic.

Regards !

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