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1 Oct 19, 2013 17:29    

i am upgrading from 4.16 to 5.06 and have database-table issues, which i tried to fix. Question: is the upgrade script (or mysql) case sensitive on table names?
while so far the error messages looked similar to

Table 'b2eWald_email__blocked' already exists(Errno=1050)

i suddenly get an error message

MySQL error!
Table 'db498406450.b2ewald_messaging__contact_groupusers' doesn't exist(Errno=1146)

see minor 'w' instead of capital 'W' in table name, which should be capital as
$tableprefix = 'b2eWald_';

in the db there is a table
b2eWald_messaging__contact_groupusers' , but indeen none with minor w.

before searching for reasons, pls give feedback why the script suddenly asks for the
db498406450.b2ewald_messaging__contact_groupusers' instead of
db498406450.b2eWald_messaging__contact_groupusers' ... or if this doesn't make a difference at all?

thanks a lot

2 Oct 20, 2013 01:08

Hi @ramadama,

The difference is simple, Linux servers are case-sensitive and Windows servers are case-insensitive.

I confirm this error and will be reported to the developers in order to fix it as soon as possible. In the meantime, you could add a little hack that will let your b2evo to finish the upgrade proccess with no more problems ( if you don't have any third-party plugin / widget ).

Please, locate the file /blogs/inc/_core/model/db/_upgrade.funcs.php and comment the line 1386. You should get something like this:

    // $table = strtolower( $table );

Restore your old database and run the upgrade again.


3 Oct 20, 2013 02:35

this was superfast. thanks a lot ... both of your suggestions worked for the problem described earlier. Meanwhile the upgrade process goes beyond 10975 and gets stuck with another problem: the database seems to have collation conflicts. The interesting thing is: version 4.16 seemed be happy with this mix of german and swedish collation types and i absolutely have no idea, how come that this database has this mixture - its about half german and half swedish ...

Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 10975... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 12 seconds)
Adding new countries... OK.
Upgrading message thread statuses table... OK.
Upgrading Item Settings... OK.
Upgrading items table... OK.
Adding new video file types... OK.
Upgrading custom item settings...

An unexpected error has occurred!
If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.

Additional information about this error:
MySQL error!

Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_german2_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='(Errno=1267)

Your query:

UPDATE b2eWald_items__item_settings SET iset_name = (

SELECT CONCAT( "custom_double_", cset_value )

FROM b2eWald_coll_settings

INNER JOIN b2eWald_categories ON cset_coll_ID = cat_blog_ID

INNER JOIN b2eWald_items__item ON cat_ID = post_main_cat_ID

WHERE cset_name = iset_name

AND post_ID = iset_item_ID )

WHERE iset_name LIKE "custom\_double%"

what do i do now? Change collation type by hand for all the tables?

4 Oct 20, 2013 05:10

@ramadama latin1_swedish_ci is widely used as default MySQL encoding, and the mix with latin1_german2_ci could come from your site locales. Before to make any manual change, please read and note that it's strongly recommended to set your enconding into UTF-8 instead any other else. Try setting $io_charset and $force_io_charset_if_accepted into UTF-8 and re-run the upgrade.

If the information above doesn't help you solving this issue, you could make a search at our forums with this terms: "Illegal mix of collations". There you will find some useful hints.

Regards !

5 Oct 20, 2013 23:33

almost there ... but in the end i get an 'Upgrade failed!' - and no recommendation for further steps.

It is possible to log in and the backend seems fine/complete. The blog is just not applying any format from a skin (tried several ones, even with plugins disabled).
Having the database confusion in mind, I run a system/maintenance/CHECK database tables and no warning or error indicated.

My questions: even if i get the skin-problem solved, i would probably continue running a version with non-completed upgrade.
What is missing (see below) of the procedure?
Will this cause trouble in future when the next upgrade will be done?
What are the changes in database schema refered to in the upgrade docu below and how would i overcome these?
What would i have to look into in order to finalize the upgrade process?


Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11110... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 25 seconds)
(Re-)Initializing caches... OK.
Creating profile picture links... OK.
Invalidating all page caches to make sure they don't contain old action links... OK.
Reloading installed plugins to make sure their config is up to date... OK.
Installing new default plugins (if any)... Installing plugin: flowplayer_plugin... OK.
Installing plugin: captcha_qstn_plugin... Not Enabled: You should create at least one question!
Checking if some default cron jobs need to be installed...
Creating default scheduled jobs... OK.
Checking timing of upgrade... OK.
Starting to check DB...
Upgrade database

The version number is correct, but we have detected changes in the database schema. This can happen with CVS versions...

The following database changes will be carried out. If you are not sure what this means, it will probably be alright.

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_coll_settings CHANGE COLUMN cset_value cset_value VARCHAR( 10000 ) NULL COMMENT 'The AdSense plugin wants to store very long snippets of HTML'

Upgrade failed!

6 Oct 23, 2013 01:59

have done a new upgrade procedure AFTER having sorted out all the kollation confusions.

the install procedure got stuck (and got before, but i forgot to report) several times because of discovering tables that are already there (and supposedly should not be there?)

Checking DB schema version... 10200 : OK.
Upgrading user fields... OK.
Moving data to user fields... OK.
Dropping obsolete user columns... OK.
Adding new user columns... OK.
Upgrading item table for hide teaser... OK.
Creating table for a specific post settings...
An unexpected error has occurred!

If this error persists, please report it to the administrator.

Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:

MySQL error!

Table 'b2eWald_items__item_settings' already exists(Errno=1050)

Your query:
CREATE TABLE b2eWald_items__item_settings (
iset_item_ID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
iset_name varchar( 50 ) NOT NULL,
iset_value varchar( 2000 ) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( iset_item_ID, iset_name )
) ENGINE = innodb

i recovered the 'original' database, deleted the table causing confusion ... install would go beyond this point ... and get stuck with the next table not expected to be there.

this were the tables causing interruption:


deleting these step by step allowed the install process to get further until trying to 'upgrade database' and fail again as described below.

how can i get beyond this point??

Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11110... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 27 seconds)
(Re-)Initializing caches... OK.
Creating profile picture links... OK.
Invalidating all page caches to make sure they don't contain old action links... OK.
Reloading installed plugins to make sure their config is up to date... OK.
Installing new default plugins (if any)... Installing plugin: flowplayer_plugin... OK.
Installing plugin: captcha_qstn_plugin... Not Enabled: You should create at least one question!
Checking if some default cron jobs need to be installed...
Creating default scheduled jobs... OK.
Checking timing of upgrade... OK.
Starting to check DB...
Upgrade database

The version number is correct, but we have detected changes in the database schema. This can happen with CVS versions...

The following database changes will be carried out. If you are not sure what this means, it will probably be alright.


ALTER TABLE b2eWald_users CHANGE COLUMN user_unsubscribe_key user_unsubscribe_key varchar(32) NOT NULL default '' COMMENT 'A specific key, it is used when a user wants to unsubscribe from a post comments without signing in'

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_locales ALTER COLUMN loc_locale SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_locales ALTER COLUMN loc_name SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_locales ALTER COLUMN loc_messages SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_plugins ALTER COLUMN plug_classname SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_blogs ALTER COLUMN blog_shortname SET DEFAULT ''


ALTER TABLE b2eWald_blogs ALTER COLUMN blog_tagline SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_blogs ALTER COLUMN blog_description SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_blogs ALTER COLUMN blog_siteurl SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_coll_settings CHANGE COLUMN cset_value cset_value VARCHAR( 10000 ) NULL COMMENT 'The AdSense plugin wants to store very long snippets of HTML'

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_comments ALTER COLUMN comment_author_IP SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_comments CHANGE COLUMN comment_notif_status comment_notif_status ENUM('noreq','todo','started','finished') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'noreq' COMMENT 'Have notifications been sent for this comment? How far are we in the process?'


ALTER TABLE b2eWald_sessions ALTER COLUMN sess_ipaddress SET DEFAULT ''

ALTER TABLE b2eWald_basedomains ALTER COLUMN dom_name SET DEFAULT ''

Upgrade failed!

7 Oct 30, 2013 03:16

After having found another backup of the database and a 'forced' upgrade with the earlier version (4.16) as described by Francois (which did some 'cleaning' on the tables) somehow the upgrade procedure to 5.06 made its way to the 'Upgrade completed successfully!'- message. This is the good part of the story ... the negative one is: skins are not working properly and the blog is not correctly formated, which i thought is a new problem and worth another post.

Thanks for the help so far, gracias Manuel!

8 Nov 09, 2013 23:03

@ramadama wrote earlier:

skins are not working properly and the blog is not correctly formated, which i thought is a new problem and worth another post.

At Manuel's advice, I turned off widgets and disabled plugins until finding which were keeping my blog from displaying properly.

My blogroll widget was a problem, and my Democracy Poll plugin was a problem as was a Captcha Images plugin

You might try something similar. I opened the blog page in one tab and the blog admin page in another tab. Try disabling two or three widgets at a time, then reloading the page. Or turn off all widgets and then re-enable one at a time, trying page after each, until you find the one that breaks the page. Same with plug-ins.

9 Nov 09, 2013 23:36

thanks rossputin for the comment. i should have linked to my other post regarding the skin/layout, which is here:

loosing format was an URL issue: while the old version 4.16 would run with 'absolute url', version 5.06 seems to have trouble with my config and it would only work with 'Relative to baseurl:', which is okay until i find time to tune it correctly.

Form is loading...