2 fplanque Dec 01, 2017 02:59

@fplanque thanks for the information.
Two things I can not get working.
Linking a content block from menu does not work. I tried to use widget "menu link or button", chose "any item (post, page …) and filled item ID with die elements ID of the content block.
The menu entry is show but clicking on it the startpage remains.
The manual explains: "Included as a section of a home page, like "About Us" or "Disclaimer" or a pricing table etc. A home page could have many sections (possibly with photo backgrounds) and people could scroll down, down, …"
So how do I manage that, e.g. a photo background .
Would appreciate your help.
There you go: http://b2evolution.net/man/content-block
Search on version number would be extremely difficult because it would require tagging all the posts of the forums. However we are rolling out search filters soon which will allow to filter on the date. I think it should do the trick.