2 amoun 11 Jan 2015 01:34
Hi I have been trying to find a variable that will give me the total number of posts per blog. After many hours I did find something that gave me the total for the database but that included all post from all blogs.
So despite my reticence I decided to have a go at an SQL query and came up with this, although I'm sure there is some way of using SQL COUNT.
Something odd: On one of my domains the count is out by 1
Is there a simple inbuilt variable?
// getting postcount
mysql_connect("localhost", "userName", "passWord") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("dataBaseName") or die(mysql_error());
$row_query = "
SELECT evo_items__item.post_main_cat_ID,
FROM evo_items__item
JOIN evo_categories
ON evo_items__item.post_main_cat_ID = evo_categories.cat_ID
AND evo_categories.cat_blog_ID = $Blog->ID
AND evo_items__item.post_ptyp_ID = 1
AND evo_items__item.post_status = 'published'
$row_result = mysql_query($row_query) or die(mysql_error());
$postcount = 1;
while($evo_items_item_row = mysql_fetch_array($row_result) )
$listplots = $postcount;
echo '<a href="http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $Blog->name . '.php?disp=postidx">Paged Index of All <b>' . $listplots . '</b> Posts</a>';
And I have css styling (not included above) for the echo
You can see it working at http://calstock.org.uk/elf.php
The count per page number was set in [/skin/_postidx.disp.php]
LIne 28: 'limit' => 10,
and copied to [/skin/my_usual.skin/_postidx.disp.php]
Adding variables at beginning to incorporate 'members/protected' posts for registered users when logged in.
$reg = 'published';
if (isset($current_User))
$reg = 'protected';
and updated last line of query to use variable
AND (evo_items__item.post_status = 'published' OR evo_items__item.post_status = '$reg')