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1 Jun 20, 2014 16:28    

Hello -- my blog might have to go to bed for a little while. I'd like people to see one front page telling them this, but remove any possibility of them trawling through the archives or getting to previous posts. What would be the easiest way to do this?


2 Jun 20, 2014 21:54

@loobyloo there are different ways to do that, but how will be your temporal landing page? do you have a static page or need to show a particular post?

If you have a static landing page, a 301 redirection should be the answer so check this solution: Please, note in that example all the requests will be redirected to a page named underconstruction.html, but this could be replaced with the name that you give to the page.

The code described in the link should be pasted in a .htaccess file placed at the root of your web server.

3 Jun 21, 2014 10:49

Many thanks -- that sounds fairly straightforward.

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