1 dh.com Mar 12, 2016 23:45
3 dh.com Mar 13, 2016 21:55
For whatever reasons, hours after the transition to DST, things went back to normal.
The links you provided could have been the point of failure but since that "time gap" has passed, things are pretty much working as intended.
Thanks for looking into this. For now, consider this case as fixed.
@dh.com is this still happening to you?
I have been reading and this may explain the error in your site: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9354133/mysql-trying-to-insert-a-value-in-a-timestamp-throws-an-error (see the "UPDATE" message).
This other post also explains something similar: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=66240.
Please confirm if your sites went back to normal.
Thank you.