2 saunders Mar 23, 2020 18:01

Can you reproduce this with one of the default skins?
yes, I can reproduce this using skin bootstrap_blog v6.11.4
I can reproduce the bug on demo version Blog A at demo2.b2evolution.net.
The error message is the same.
("In-skin change proposal:" is activated in any mentioned case)
OK, you cannot actually call ?disp=proposechange without passing a &p= param.
The correct links to propose a change can be displayed by the Item Small Print widget.
so; there is no way, to generate a list of posts containing proposed changes?
To illustrate that question:
If I want to get an overview of images (almost of those added to a post] I can use ?disp=mediaidx (This is a way to keep an eye on)
Although the post for which a proposed change was created should normally be edited promptly, it happens from time to time that I just forget about it.
Now there is no way to get an overview of the pending proposed changes (except by database queries). But that would be fine.
So I suggest a new feature that shows a list of posts with unprocessed proposed changes under ?disp=proposechange (without &p=ID).
so; there is no way, to generate a list of posts containing proposed changes?
Indeed there is no way at this point. But you receive email notifications for each proposed change.
I suppose finding the value in the database and then listing the posts would be the way to go ~ when and if I have the inclination :)