1 bloggerboy Aug 04, 2016 00:29
3 fplanque Aug 05, 2016 01:41
Are you using the latest version of b2evolution? (this is due to new PHP versions used by provider and this has been fixed in b2evolution recently)
4 bloggerboy Aug 05, 2016 13:54
I was using 6.7.3, just upgraded to 6.7.4 but the error is still there.
5 amoun Aug 05, 2016 14:06
Hi fplanque and bloggerboy
Is this related to the & $params
6 fplanque Aug 05, 2016 14:09
Probably, we'll check.
7 bloggerboy Aug 05, 2016 14:23
I saw that params post. I don't know what exactly to replace and where in the plugins files. And I'm not running PHP 7.
8 fplanque Aug 05, 2016 14:31
@bloggerboy It seems the offending plugins you are using are 3rd party plugins not part of the default b2evolution installation.
If you don't absolutely need them, please uninstall them.
Please let us know if you really need them. Starrating seems something b2evolution can do without a plugin now.
Otherwise you'll need to update them. We are currently checking if fixed versions are available.
9 fplanque Aug 05, 2016 15:01
I confirm these old third-party plugins have not been fixed by their original authors yet.
As they are not official plugins, we are not inclined to fix them on our side unless you tell us why you still need them with b2evolution 6.7. (because if you don't need them any more, there is no point in fixing them)
10 bloggerboy Aug 10, 2016 22:29
Well, I disabled Star Rating.
But I liked the YouTube plugin. Without it I have to go through a lot of posts to correct each individual post.
If you can tell me the fix for at least that one it would be appreciated.
11 fplanque Aug 10, 2016 23:14
Ok we'll check the YouTube Plugin and get back to you.
12 fplanque Aug 12, 2016 19:33
@bloggerboy Can you please try to download and install the fixed version of the plugin from here: http://plugins.b2evolution.net/youtube-plugin
Can you please confirm whether it solves the problem for you or not?
Thank you.
Actually, I'm getting more errors, similar that appear in posts so it is affecting more plugins.
Strict Standards: Declaration of youtube_plugin::GetDefaultSettings() should be compatible with that of Plugin::GetDefaultSettings() in /
/plugins/youtube_plugin/_youtube.plugin.php on line 421 Strict Standards: Declaration of dns_antispam_trackback_plugin::GetDefaultSettings() should be compatible with that of Plugin::GetDefaultSettings() in /plugins/dns_antispam_trackback_plugin/_dns_antispam_trackback.plugin.php on line 142 Strict Standards: Declaration of dns_antispam_trackback_plugin::GetDefaultUserSettings() should be compatible with that of Plugin::GetDefaultUserSettings() in //plugins/dns_antispam_trackback_plugin/_dns_antispam_trackback.plugin.php on line 142