1 bysteven Jun 04, 2013 18:20
3 bysteven Jun 04, 2013 18:41
Got it out of maintenance mode. Still, update didn't work automatically. Any tips?
4 fplanque Jun 05, 2013 03:06
It seems your server did not have enough memory to back everything up before starting upgrade.
What version did you upgrade FROM?
5 bysteven Jun 05, 2013 15:49
Hi Francois,
the current version is 4.1.6.
Concerning the harddrive, there is more that 500gig of free space available. By memory do you mean RAM?
6 bysteven Jun 05, 2013 15:53
Looks like it hit the
PHP memory_limit 100M
How can I change that and why does the script require 100MB of memory?
7 fplanque Jun 05, 2013 19:36
You can change it in the php.ini configuration file.
It doesn't seem right that we need 100M of memory indeed, unless you have debugging turned on, which will keep tons of SQL requests in memory. Can you confirm you don't have debugging turned on?
Thank you.
8 bysteven Jun 06, 2013 14:28
Debugging should be of, the content of _advanced.php is still the default:
* Display debugging informations?
* 0 = no
* 1 = yes
* 2 = yes and potentially die() to display debug info (needed before redirects, e-g message_send.php)
* 'pwd' = require password
* @global integer
$debug = 'pwd';
* When $debug is 'pwd' and you set a /password/ below,
* you can turn on debugging at any time by adding ?debug=YOUR_PASSWORD to your url.
* You can turn off by adding just ?debug
* @var string
$debug_pwd = '';
...and I did not add ?debug=YOUR_PASSWORD or anything to the url. I that what you meant?
In case the automatic update will keep on not working, would it be safe to simply download and overwrite all files?
9 fplanque Jun 06, 2013 15:59
Yes that's what I meant.
And Yes the standard upgrade procedure is to overwrite the files:
http://b2evolution.net/downloads/index.html -> read the paragraph called "Standard Upgrade Procedure"
10 bysteven Jun 06, 2013 18:01
Tried to manually update. Got the following error:
MySQL error!
Unknown column 'sess_lastseen' in 'evo_sessions'(Errno=1054)
Your query:
ALTER TABLE evo_sessions CHANGE COLUMN sess_lastseen sess_lastseen_ts TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '2000-01-01 00:00:00' COMMENT 'User last logged activation time. Value may be off by up to 60 seconds'
Any idea?
11 fplanque Jun 06, 2013 19:02
We'll check on that.
Regarding your memory exhaustion error, could you confirm it also happens when you use the backup feature (instead of the upgrade feature, which includes backup).
Thank you.
12 bysteven Jun 06, 2013 20:47
Confirmed, same error. My guess would be the db is too big if zipping is completely done in RAM.
13 bysteven Jun 10, 2013 13:31
Hi Francois,
any news on the failure during update?
Could you perhaps tell me how long you think for looking into the issue? I just ask because our site is down for a while now and if it would take longer, I would try to reverse the whole procedure with the backups I have.
Thanks a lot!
14 fplanque Jun 10, 2013 16:07
You *have* to revert to a backup no matter what.
The probability upgrade can recover from a failed upgrade is very very very low.
Also can you confirm that your 4.1.6 to 5.0.3 upgrade was made from a clean 4.1.6 install and not one that had been partially upgraded before.
We did make the test and a stock 4.1.6 install does upgrade to 5.0.3 without Problems. It does seem you had a partially upgraded db priori to your manual upgrade attempt.
Please restore a backup that you know has not suffered a partial upgrade and try from there.
Otherwise, it's going to be a tedious task to recover from a partially upgraded db. It will require some PHP and MySQL skills.
15 bysteven Jun 10, 2013 16:35
Hi Francois,
I did not partially update the b2evo db, the only thing I did are some hacks to the skin (in the custom skin folder though) and some manual language extensions. Also I installed a few plugins. Additionally I installed chCounter that also has some data in the db.
I have three blogs within the b2evo installation with multiple posts per blog - I think this would be the main difference to a fresh install which would be empty.
I'll try to revert to backup and update again.
16 bysteven Jun 16, 2013 20:51
I just tried to revert the whole process
1) files - no problem
2) database - problem here
I did a backup of the whole database in phpmyadmin by choosing 'export' in the start page, thus exported the whole database, not the single tables.
For reverting the update process I dropped all tables in the database on the server, then tried an import of the backup file. The problem is that I do not have permission on my server to create a database, I can only use the database that's already there, called "db...[some number]". After the tool uploaded the backup file, it threw an error telling me that the database I was trying to import was already there.
Can you tell me what I have to do in order to just import the old tables into the given database from the backup file which contains the database on the first layer, followed by the tables? Is there some nice SQL command I can use? I am a real newb when it comes to SQL, would be very happy if you could give a hint.
Thanks alot!
Currently, I cannot access the webpage:
503 Service Unavailable
System upgrade is in progress. Please reload this page in a few minutes.
Site administrators: please view the source of this page for details.
How can I change this to display the page as it was before?