2 mgsolipa Jan 19, 2014 18:16

"Pyrmont" is my skin.
There are two things that could be happening.
1 You didn't say us if the form is loaded after that message. If not, maybe you have a javascript error in the page. It could be due to several causes, the first you should try to do is to clear the cache of your browser and the page cache at the back-office (Dashboard > System > Maintenance > Tools > Clear full page caches (/cache/* directories)).
2 Also, the comments could be hidden according the parameters you set for that blog. If only registered users are able to view and post comments, then anonimous users will see a screen like the one you shared (the spinner should disappear). To read a little more about comment features, pelase visit: http://b2evolution.net/man/back-office-reference/managing-collections/collection-features/comment-features/comment-viewing-options and http://b2evolution.net/man/back-office-reference/managing-collections/collection-features/comment-features/comment-feedback-options.
The 2. is the right one...
After login the "Form is loading..." is away.
I have done the "Clear full page caches" and now without login an after 2-3 seconds the circle is gone an this is shown:
You must be a member of this blog to comment. Log in now!
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TNX for your help.
Hi @bringer,
What skin are you using?