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1 Sep 07, 2019 22:32    

b2evo 6.11.3/ Horizon skin

How can I get the Free Social Widget to open links in a new tab/window


2 Sep 08, 2019 01:24

I solved my problem by adding target="_blank" in _social_links_widget.php as follows:

$r .= '<a href="'.$this->disp_params['link'.$i.'_href'].'"'.( empty( $icon_colorsclasses ) ? '' : ' class="ufld'.$social_fields[$this->disp_params['link'.$i]]->ufdf_code.$icon_colors_classes.'"' ).' [color=]target="_blank">' .'<span class="'.$social_fields[$this->disp_params['link'.$i]]->ufdf_icon_name.'"></span>'.'</a>';

Thanks, sorry to bother

3 Sep 08, 2019 16:31

About the target attribute for links.

Before HTML5, in HTML 4.01 strict and the XHTML version the target attribute had been deprecated as it could cause confusion. a) Someone may not see the new window b) it was used to keep a browser (TAB) on the referrer website, which in turn c) removed the option for the user to decide if to have another

In HTML5 it is back as a machine readable key, so that those needing assisted browsing would be informed of browser tabs.

I use the target attribute quite a bit on my site which although is public is not a social site, so it just serves me to open mew tabs.

The notion now, as was, is that it can take away the choice of a user and unless they have their browser set to go to the new tab|window then it will be hidden and they will have to click on the new window to see what they wanted. They may as well just choose to open a new tab rather than be forced to open one. ??


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