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1 Oct 15, 2013 23:14    

I would like to desactivate a blog so it is no longer online, invisible to anyone, but without deleting it.

I could only find a delete button on the global dashboard, but then all posts are deleted forever.

Is there a way?

I run 5.0.6


2 Oct 16, 2013 11:07

Hi @apassio,

There is no need to delete your blog if you want to hide it. You may do this:

1) Go to "Post list" and set "Show past post" and "Show future post" to "No":
2) Exclude the collection from the main list unchecking "Include in public blog list":
3) At this point your posts are hidden and the collection is not shown at the main menu, but it is accessible directly with the URL then you could try to change it with the value of an active collection (this will create a kind of redirection). Here are the instructions to manage URLs: The configuration itself will depend on your site configuration, but setting "Blog base URL" > "Relative to baseurl:" > blog1.php could work.

Three steps, I know. But your work will be safely hidden :D

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