2 fplanque 09 Nov 2014 15:12

Sorry for not being clear.
I want posts/pages that are only viewable by links on another post/page but not listed under the widget lists.
One option is to backdate posts so they are out of range of the pre-set number of posts shown.
I will look at widget filters as you suggest
I think that there is related feature request waiting to be discussed by the developers.
fplanque Thanks but I didn't find any such filters of the default installed widgets and
mgsolipa Thanks also: For now I'm just back dating them so they are off the grid.
I'll leave it to someone to decide if this post should be marked as solved
All the best
The default widgets are simplified. But there is one called "universal item list" which allows a lot of flexibility.
Thanks Mr fplanque but I installed that but could see no such option. Will look again. Of course the other method is to set up a new blog with such posts
I'm not sure what you're trying to do exactly, but the list widgets have an option to filter by post type. Maybe defining and using several different post types can help you achieve your goals.