2 mgsolipa Apr 22, 2014 05:13
i did mistake which made me stucked again sir,
just can make like this:
while i tried to be able like this:
* change that blog2.php to the folder /blogwords,
i did your simple step guidance, still cant get the result well, sir
after i changed url, relative to /blogwords, couldnt get back to admin page
tried to look at /conf/_config.php :: only starred at those lines,
seaching for which part to change, i couldnt find any clue
All right, lets start again.
At this moment, http://adikwok.no-ip.biz/mobile/blogs/blog2.php is working properly. So lets work over your own example.
1) Create the folder blogwords
in blogs. The new path should look like: blogs/blogwords
2) Copy blogs/blog2.php
to blogs/blogwords
3) Rename blogs/blogwords/blog2.php
to blogs/blogwords/index.php
4) Edit the line 34 of blogs/blogwords/index.php
by adding ../ before of the conf/_config.php section. Your new line should look like this: require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf/_config.php';
5) Set the Blog base URL (http://b2evolution.net/man/blog-url-settings) to Relative to baseurl and type blogwords/ in the field next to the radio button's label.
6) Save changes.
I can't explain it any simpler. Those are the exact steps that I followed to make an URL like the one that want to work in a fresh installed b2evo. If it doesn't work, maybe there is another issue that we are missing.
Please, let us know how is this going.
thx for your humble understanding, sir
according to your step by step simple guidance, ..
it works:
just miss the post, still cant be read
what must to be done, sir ?
regards, from jakarta, indonesia
Hi @adi_kwok,
For the site in the image above I did this:
1. Create a folder
and put a stub file (http://b2evolution.net/man/stub-file) named index.php in it. Note: be careful with the route to the file _config.php.2. Set the Blog base URL (http://b2evolution.net/man/blog-url-settings) to "Relative to baseurl" and type "blog1/" in the field next to the radio button's label.
3. Save changes.