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1 Nov 06, 2015 08:27    


If my single post looks like this:

post title
//some paragraphs here(say excerpt)
//how can I display ads here?
//additional paragraphs here

3 Nov 12, 2015 07:20


Thanks for the response. Here's what I exactly would like to achieve.

  1. Adsense to appear to all my existing posts (around 1000 articles) right after the teaserbreak
  2. Or I want to ad it after <!--more-->

4 Nov 15, 2015 21:27 all right, a bit complex due to the number of posts.

The only way that quickly comes to my mind is:

  1. Duplicate the file into your current skin's folder (see: ). Note: I used the /skins_fallback_v6 version of the file for this example.
  2. Loading the AdSense plugin at the beginnig of that page (see: The plugin must be installed and properly configured in your current collection.
  3. Display the coll_adsense_block parameter in the before_content_extension position (see: You can also include this parameter at the end of the post content by adding it to the after_content_extension position. Actually you can add both of them and you will get two AdSense blocks, one at the beginning and another at the end of the post.

Hope this helps you.


5 Nov 22, 2015 12:31


This works perfect! Thank you so much for the detailed guidance.. more power to b2evo dev team and support group!

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