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1 Nov 10, 2015 15:28    

When I create a regular post, I get a URL like
When I create a page, I get a URL like

Is this the way it's supposed to work? I thought pages have no date (?)

Is there any way to have (including date for posts)
and (excluding date for pages)

at the same time? If so what am I doing wrong?

2 Nov 12, 2015 00:20

Hi @jibberjab, your concern is right. All the post types share the same permalink scheme, so any change affects to all of them. Maybe being able to set separated schemes would be useful.

3 Nov 12, 2015 01:38

@mgsolipa wrote earlier:

Hi @jibberjab, your concern is right. All the post types share the same permalink scheme, so any change affects to all of them. Maybe being able to set separated schemes would be useful.

I think it would be useful, as long as any new such feature creates a 301 to the canonical page, so if the date is removed from permalink, the old date url will 301 to the new non-date url.

Since pages are treated as standalone pages outside the chronological flow, they really shouldn't have a date, regardless of what the permalink structure for the overall blog is.

I'm just glad to know it's not something wrong with my particular installation.

4 Nov 22, 2015 22:27

301s already work (if you change all your permalinks you will see they work).

Having a different scheme used for different post types (especially regular post vs page) makes sense indeed

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