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1 Apr 07, 2013 16:42    

You have the following at the top of your help page for htaccess. Note, it starts out saying the page is outdated, then at the end of the paragraph is says that the info is for the current version. Which is it, guys??? And...what should if be for people who chose not to blow up their blog with an alpha version of B2E?


This manual page is outdated. NEW PAGE: Htaccess File in b2evolution v5+.

In the /blogs folder there should be a file called .htaccess . This file optimizes the way the Apache web server works with b2evolution?

If you used the standard b2evolution installer, this file will probably be already set up properly. However, if in doubt, make sure it has the same contents as the provided [ sample.htaccess ]. Note: because the name of the .htacess file starts with a dot it may be hidden. You may need to enable display of hidden files in order to see it.

As of b2evolution version 5.0.0-alpha, the contents of this file should be as this:

Form is loading...