2 fplanque May 02, 2017 02:10

Adauga, Modifica and Sterge mean Add, Modify and Delete
'Adauga' add item
'Modifica' modify item
'Sterge' delete item
I just want only admin to be able to access Modifica (Modify) and Sterge (Delete).
'Adauga' (Add) can be accessed by anyone.
See here http://antiromanism.info/index.php/trimite-un-pont
This is a plugin that replaces [UserID] with
'<iframe frameborder="0" width="530" height="600" src="/plugins/unelte_plugin/tools/ponturi/index.php?userid='.$current_User->ID.'"></iframe>'
This code not work. Always return author id of post. But i want to return current user id.
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params ) {
$search_list = array(
global $current_User;
$replace_list = array(
'<iframe frameborder="0" width="530" height="600" src="/plugins/unelte_plugin/tools/ponturi/index.php?userid='.$current_User->ID.'"></iframe>'
$content = & $params['data'];
$content = replace_content_outcode( $search_list, $replace_list, $content );
return true;
I have resolved otherwise. I modified the skin directly.
Unfortunately RenderItemAsHtml not return current user id.
What are these buttons in English?
What displays this? Is it a plugin? which one?