I am a total newbie and I had a friend who helped me set up my blog. Unfortunately I can no longer ask my friend for help.
Here is my situation/problem:
I am running b2evolution version 4.1.2 released on 02/11/11
My website is www.levenslangleren.be
When I try to go to my home page, I receive the following error message:
Bad Request!
The parameters of your request are invalid.
If you have obtained this error by clicking on a link INSIDE of this site, please report the bad link to the administrator.
Illegal value received for parameter «page»!
However, accessing the pages inside my site, works fine: Here is an example: http://levenslangleren.be/hobby.php/challenging-songs-in-rocksmith-2014
What is bugging me, is that this problem occurred around March 1st, and that I have not changed anything since the beginning of January (no new articles, no changes to the site structure....)
So I have 2 questions:
1) does anybody know how I can solve my problem? I contact my hosting company but they say the problem is related to my site, not to their hosting
2) is there a logical explanation why one day my website worked, and the next day it doesn't.
Thank you in advance for your help, preferably not too technical :( I have access to the backend, so if it is just changing a setting, I'll probably manage
Hi @thorgal67,
I'll go directly to your questions:
I can think about only two cases where a site suddenly stops working: