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1 Nov 02, 2014 05:17    

I have modified the user group 'Trusted Users' to suit my purpose, and under 'System admin permissions' for that group I have

Users & Groups - set to no access

Settings - set to no access

But trusted users can still see user groups and user perms.

How can I set this up so that trusted users cannot alter User groups and Group Permissions at all?

2 Nov 02, 2014 08:19

To clarify: I want the 'User perms' and 'Group perms' tabs not to appear under (blog) > Structure for a 'Trusted user'. I have messed about with all of that and can't find a way to stop a 'Trusted user' from altering his own 'Edit blog settings' under those tabs.

OK. I'm using 'Trusted user' with a bit of license...

3 Nov 02, 2014 16:06

It seems you have given the trusted users a permission to edit all blog properties, or maybe the trusted user you are testing with is the owner of the blog you're testing with.

4 Nov 02, 2014 23:37

Ah yes. That would be under 'Blogging permissions' where you can choose 'Depending on each blog's permissions', and so limit it that way, per blog.

Thank you.

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