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1 Nov 12, 2018 13:27    


the media index `/?disp=mediaidx" shows all images embedded in each site but it does not include those images of an folder which are shown in a blogpost, cropped. In those folders are some of my best images. To keep posts straight I prefer showing an included folder with cropped images. So users can click on it and see the gallery.

Is there a way to include images out of folders, linked to a page and also cover or teaser images into the mediaidx index view of images - not generally but managed?

Would be great!
Thanks and regards,

2 Nov 17, 2018 23:16

I believe if you attach all the images you want in the index with position "cover" or "fallback", they won't show in the post but will show in the media index.

3 Jan 02, 2019 16:41

Two additional questions:

  • Is there a way to customize mediaidx? (how many images each page, layout, sorting etc. )
  • is there a way to exclude images from mediaidx?

Thanks and Regards, Will

4 Jan 03, 2019 02:31

We'll look into that.

5 Feb 04, 2019 02:05

This will be a container/widget in v7.

6 Mar 05, 2020 16:39

@fplanque when using short links with embedded thumbnails all images of that page are listed in ?disp=mediaidx. If i use vice versa the short link to reverse the address of recommended posts I'll get again thumbnails. This way the same image may appear several, many times and this makes the mediaidx less attractive and shift it into direction of a waste-image basket.
Is there a way to manage this. Will this also be fixed in v7x?

Thanks and Regards, Will

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